Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Muscle Builder

Muscle Building most effective weightlifting routines, exercises and diets

Muscle building is the process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, especially for competitive exhibition. Muscle Builder is a balance between toning and bulking up. Fitness, attitude, nutrition, and desire are key to any muscle fitness desired results. Muscle building is just as much a mental exertion as it is a physical exertion.

There are many benefits to building more muscle. But, building muscle to burn more calories is not a very efficient way to shed excess pounds of body fat. Everyone knows that muscle fitness is much more attractive than fat. So when you lose weight, you want to build more muscle and not just diet to lose fat. But there are other health benefits to building muscle mass that should motivate you to hit the gym.

Strength training: what's in it for you A regular, moderate program can bring these benefits:

- Stronger muscles, which in turn mean stronger bones, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
- An improvement in blood cholesterol levels. Lifting weights may also help control blood pressure and blood sugar.
- Less risk of injury during other activities. It may help correct muscle weakness and imbalances and joint instability.
- Improved self-esteem and self-confidence. Added muscle and bone strength will benefit you in your daily activities, including other exercises and sports.
- May help with weight control. Even if you don't lose weight, you'll become trimmer and fitter.
- Reduced arthritis pain and lower-back pain.

More Detail About Muscle Builder

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